[AccessD] FileSearch object

Susan Harkins harkins at iglou.com
Sun Apr 27 16:07:19 CDT 2003

Thanks Charlotte -- yes, I'm talking about FileSearch -- when and why do you
use it -- OK it's flexible and easy -- but since it duplicates the built-in
features, why bother? I can only think of a few reasons: controling the
search task -- does anyone know if an mde loses the built-in functions
(Search on the toolbar and Advanced in the Open dialog).

Susan H.

> I've used it because it is flexible and easy.  The alternatives are
> what, Dir?  Not much of an alternative.  Or are you asking about using
> it instead of the FileSystemObject?  One thing I like about it is that
> it returns a FoundFiles collection that you can iterate through.
> Another is that you can specify multiple specifications as a semicolon
> delimited list in the FileName argument, which makes it very flexible.
> Here's something I built to return a list of files using FileSearch.
> The idea was to present the user with a dropdown list of files that
> matched any passed specifiications without using the common dialog.
> Public Function BuildFileList(ByVal strPath As String, _
>                               Optional strLike As String) As String
>   'Created by Charlotte Foust 4/18/2000
>   Dim strList As String
>   Dim intLoop As Integer
>   'If no filename comparison
>   'was passed, look for all.
>   If strLike = "" Then
>     strLike = "*.*"
>   End If
>   With Application.FileSearch
>     .NewSearch
>     .LookIn = strPath
>     .FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
>     .FileName = strLike
>     If .Execute() > 0 Then
>       For intLoop = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
>         'concatenate the filename to the list
>         strList = strList & ExtractFileName(.FoundFiles(intLoop)) & ";"
>       Next intLoop
>     End If
>   End With
>   If Len(strList) > 0 Then
>     'If a list was created, remove
>     'the last delimiter.
>     strList = Left(strList, Len(strList) - 1)
>   End If
>   BuildFileList = strList
> End Function
> Charlotte Foust
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Susan Harkins [mailto:harkins at iglou.com]
> Sent: Saturday, April 26, 2003 3:48 PM
> To: AccessD at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: [AccessD] FileSearch object
> I'm trying to come up with a good reason for bothering to use the
> FileSearch object -- so far the only thing I've come up with is wanting
> to control the search process by being inclusive or exclusive with
> search parameters. Anyone ever used it and if so, why?
> Susan H.
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