[AccessD] Schedule/Appoinment control

marcel.vreuls at achmea.nl marcel.vreuls at achmea.nl
Tue Aug 19 07:13:20 CDT 2003

Hi All,

For a new project for a paramedic practice I have to develop a team agenda.
So I thought of a few solutions

1. I could store all appointments in a table per teammember and then build
up a gridcontrol to show the personal agenda´s. Write some functions to
prevent collisions and duplicate appiontments and so on.
2. Export-update everything to outlook. but than i have to buy exchange
otherwise everyone has it own agenda.
Both options are very time consuming in programming and take up a very high
maintance. Very good for me, but not for the customer and therefore in the
end not so good for me. They all want something like outlook but than all
the teammembers on the X-As and then time onthe y-As so they can navigate
through the days.

So actualy i am looking for a good activeX control of solution to keep up
the agenda´s of all teammembers with some drag and drop functionality.
Anyone any ideas suggestions, tips or perhaps an example app. I am willing
to buy a working solution i can expand that.

Thanks in advance,

Marcel Vreuls

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