[AccessD] Slightly OT: Access vs. ASP or HTML

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 15 13:36:05 CST 2003

Hello All,

I initially built this in A97...I have the task of providing a lookup 
feature.  User will answer 4 yes/no questions...based on answers, possible 
solutions will be displayed(2-3 word solutions).  There will never be more 
than 8 results returned...and the table containing the results will have 
approximately 300 records...and never grow.  Nothing will be recorded, added 
or updated...this is strictly a lookup.

With such a limited amount of data...would it be possible to leave out the 
db all together and create 1 HTML or ASP page?  Any 
ideas/problems/suggestions anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Mark A. Matte

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