[AccessD] Parsing Strings-UPDATE

Bryan Carbonnell carbonnb at sympatico.ca
Tue Feb 4 08:38:01 CST 2003

On 4 Feb 2003 at 8:19, Terri Jarus wrote:

> This was exactly what I needed.  However, InStrRev is not available in
> 97 - I have both 97 and XP, so was able to extract what I needed.  How
> would it work for 97 though??


You would have to loop through the string one character at a time, 
backwards to find the space and then parse it, something like:

For lngLoop = Len(strStart) To 1 Step -1
  If Mid$(strStart, lngLoop, 1) = " " Then
    'We have the space so exit the loop
    Exit For
  End If

strOut = Mid$(strStart, lngLoop + 1)

Bryan Carbonnell - carbonnb at sympatico.ca
Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a 
mistake when you make it again.

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