[AccessD] Removing blank line from a report

Bob Gajewski bob at renaissancesiding.com
Tue Feb 11 09:06:59 CST 2003


There's a couple of different ways to do this. My preference is:

1) Use unbound text boxes

2) Set them all to CanShrink=Yes

3) Set their values in code/source
	txtName = [BillingName]
	txtAddr1 = [Addr1]
	If [Addr2]="" Then
	   txtAddr2 = [CityStZip]
	   txtAddr3 = ""
	   txtAddr2 = [Addr2]
	   txtAddr3 = [CityStZip]
	End If

Just put the applicable section for each in the control source.

Do you really have a single field for the city, state code and zip code?

Bob Gajewski

On Tuesday, February 11, 2003 09:25 AM, Mark Boyd [SMTP:MarkBoyd at mcbeeassociates.com] wrote:
> I have a report that is formatted like a business letter
> In the address section (which is in the page header), I have the
> following 4 fields:
> [BillingName]
> [Addr1]
> [Addr2]
> [CityStZip]
> How can I force the [CityStZip] up a line when [Addr2] is blank?
> Most of the addresses look like this:
> John Smith
> 123 Main St
> City, St  12345
> I tried setting the CanShrink property of [Addr2] to 'Yes', but this
> doesn't work
> Any ideas?
> Mark Boyd
> Sr. Systems Analyst
> McBee Associates, Inc
>  << File: ATT00006.htm >> 

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