[AccessD] OT: Passing Variables - VBScript

Mitsules, Mark Mark.Mitsules at ngc.com
Mon Jun 2 11:54:33 CDT 2003


This is my first real attempt at developing an HTML application (.HTA) using
VB Script.  Given that the user makes a selection from this element:

 <select name="SelectPrinter" onChange="???What goes here???">
   <option value="Not Selected" selected>
    Please select a printer.
   <option value="\\ServerName\PrinterName1">
    Printer #1
   <option value="\\ServerName\PrinterName2">
    Printer #2

...?how do I pass their selection to a button element,

<INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="Button001" VALUE="Install">

...that will utilize a routine like:

Sub Button001_OnClick()
End Sub

I provided an example below that uses separate buttons (with an associated
separate function) for each printer (...which works), but this approach is
not very elegant.



Function InstallPrinter(PrinterPath)
  Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
  WshNetwork.AddWindowsPrinterConnection PrinterPath
End Function

Function SetDefaultPrinter(PrinterPath)
  Set WshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
  WshNetwork.SetDefaultPrinter PrinterPath
End Function

Function Button001_OnClick()
  PrinterPath = "\\ServerName\PrinterName1"
End Function

Function Button001A_OnClick()
  PrinterPath = "\\ServerName\PrinterName1"
End Function

<FORM NAME="Form001">
 <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="Button001" VALUE="Install Printer"> </FORM>

<FORM NAME="Form001A">
 <INPUT TYPE="Button" NAME="Button001A" VALUE="Set as Default Printer">

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