[AccessD] Calculating Time Cards

Julie Reardon-Taylor prosoft6 at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 19 10:08:48 CDT 2003

Hi Everyone,

Have a small problem that I'm hoping someone had encountered.  Putting 
together a small application to calculate time cards.  Running into some 
problems with the shift changes.  This manufacturing firm uses a 7:00 am to 
7:00 am day running three shifts.  I've found several examples for 
calculating time cards in the knowledge base, but none seem to address the 
fact the "third shift" runs from 11:00 pm to 3:00 am.  Of course, this means 
that one hour of the shift occurs on one date, and the other seven hours 
occur on the following date.  I need to test the time input by the clerk and 
then based on the start and end times, determine which shift the hours fall 
between, then calculate time worked on each shift for each employee.  
Employees may clock in and out more than once during a day, and may also 
work overtime, as well as spread their hours between more than one shift.  
Most of this is already written, however, I am stumpled as to how to handle 
the third shift time differential?

Julie Reardon-Taylor

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