[AccessD] Where the heck can I get good quality Icons???

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Fri Jun 13 19:03:22 CDT 2003

On 13 Jun 2003 at 9:27, Francisco Tapia wrote:

> My favorite Icon creation utility is  Happy Icon check it out here..
> http://www.logipole.com/
> Why do I like it so much? cuz I can take anything (pictures) images,
> drawings, whatever, printscreen to bmp or whatever and make it an ICON.
> I highly recommend it, plus it creates all sorts of icons including the
> ability of creating cursors and animated cursors (if that's your bag).
> Features include icon sets that are fully compatible w/ Winodws XP

If you got Irfanview, which we've talked about before for simple 
graphic manipulation, you can also use that to crop/resize 
photos/logos/drawings  etc in almost any format and save them as 

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