[AccessD] Fw: Inserting line items from unbound form (A2k ADP)

Francisco H Tapia my.lists at verizon.net
Fri Mar 7 13:00:00 CST 2003

This email hasn't come through so I'm posting it on behalf of David McAfee
----- Original Message -----
From: "David McAfee" <DMcAfee at haascnc.com>
To: <dba-sqlserver at databaseadvisors.com>
Cc: <accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2003 10:34 AM
Subject: FW: Inserting line items from unbound form (A2k ADP)

: I didn't see this come through yesterday, so I'm trying it again....
: I have an unbound form in an A2K ADP, that contains a listbox which
: shows a list of parts (Qty, PN, Description, Price...) which are being
: ordered for a given order.
: To the right of this list box are 3 buttons (Add, Edit & Delete), upon
: pressing any of these, I open a pop up (modal) form in which the user
: can add (or edit or delete, depending on which mode I've sent in
: openargs) an item (line item).
: I originally did this in A97, using a bound 'parent" (order) form and an
: unbound pop up/modal "line item" entry, which would use DAO to insert,
: edit or delete records then requery the list box (on the parent form).
: I cannot figure out how to recreate this in the all unbound ADP.
: 1. The parent "order" hasn't been entered yet, so I have no PK value to
: assign to the child (Line item) table's FK, as I did in the A97 mdb.
: 2. Because of the ADP, I have no local temp table creation ability.
: 3. If I create a SPROC that creates a temp table in SQL, the temp tables
: session expires upon completion of the SPROC, so how could I call it
: back when I insert the parent tables' values?
: David

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