[AccessD] Mouse pointer

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu May 15 18:19:18 CDT 2003

This from "Win32.hlp - SetCursor" may have something to do with it:

"If your application must set the cursor while it is in a window, make sure the class cursor for the specified window's 
class is set to NULL. If the class cursor is not NULL, the system restores the class cursor each time the mouse is 
moved. "

On 15 May 2003 at 12:23, Heenan, Lambert wrote:

> Just did a little experimenting. It seems that the newly loaded mouse cursor
> stays in effect only as long as the *code block* that called MouseCursor is
> still executing. For example...
> Sub testMC()
> Dim ts As Single
>     MouseCursor (IDC_CROSS)
>     ts = Timer
>     While Timer - ts < 4
>     Wend
> End Sub
> ... the above code will change the cursor and only when the While loop ends
> do we see it change back to the default.

Stuart McLachlan
Lexacorp Ltd
Application Development,  IT Consultancy

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