[AccessD] Increment Date - Was: OT - Excel Increment Date

Hollis,Virginia HollisVJ at pgdp.usec.com
Thu Nov 6 10:43:51 CST 2003

Ok, can't seem to figure this out in Excel so going to use good ol' Access.
I need to print a report that changes the date field for each work day of
the year. For example, press print & it will print 240 (or however many work
days there are in a year M-F) copies of a report and the date on each copy
will increment.
The report is 1 page. So, I need it to print one copy, increment the date by
one working day, then print another copy until all copies are printed for
the year.
1st copy - Thursday, 11/06/2003
2nd copy - Friday, 11/07/2003
3rd copy - Monday, 11/10/2003
P.S. If anyone has any ideas how to do this in Excel or Access it doesn't
matter. I would appreciate help either way.

-----Original Message-----
From: Hollis,Virginia 
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2003 9:28 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: OT - Excel Increment Date

Sorry for the OT and definitely change of subject to Excel.
I need to increment a date in Excel, if anyone can help please contact me
hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com <mailto:hollisvj at pgdp.usec.com> 

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