[AccessD] Auto install fonts

John Clark John.Clark at niagaracounty.com
Fri Nov 14 09:40:54 CST 2003

I use basically the same 'look' for all (or most) of the programs that I
write for my employer. This 'look' includes two fonts that are not
standard (airfoil.ttf and motley.ttf). When I install these programs to
a new computer, it is necessary for me to copy these ttf files and then
install them via 'control panel' and 'fonts'.
This was all fine for a while, but now the number of programs is
growing, as is the amount of users and the physical area that they are
spread over. Now I cannot always be the one who does the actual
installation, so I have been trying to create an automated process for
the install of these programs. I currently use a batch file that creates
a directory in 'Program Files' on their root drive, copies the files
into this directory, and copies a shortcut onto their desktop. The
remaining problem is that the fonts need to be installed, and I don't
know how to get around having them install the font--I don't want them
to touch anything they don't need to touch.
Is there a way to do this? I have never used any of the 'installer'
programs that I have read about, on this list--is this what I need to be
looking at? And, if so, which ones? I think I have noticed 'Install
Shield' (?) the most.
Thank you! Take care!
John W Clark

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