[AccessD] Where False, was listbox with rowsource type

Henry Simpson hsimpson88 at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 14 13:42:06 CDT 2003

I had a look at Gustav's suggestion for filling a listbox with the field 
names from three different tables to test a few of the assumptions and to do 
some timing tests.

I chose 3 linked tables, all located on a local drive

     tbl1: 33 fields and 1640 records
     tbl2:  7 fields and    451 records
     tbl3:  5 fields and      15 records

I created a cross product query:

    Select tbl1.*, tbl2.*, tbl3.*

When opened in datasheet view, it appeared in under a second.  When I hit 
the new record button, it took over a minute for the datasheet to display 
the new record line and the row count showed 11,094,600 records which equals 
1640 * 451 * 15 as expected.

I then modified the query to add the 'Where False' condition.  When I opened 
the query in datasheet view, the wait was 37 seconds.  I then timed the no 
condition cross product and the time was 87 seconds.

The next modification was to add a condtion that the autonumber ID of tbl1 
(the largest) be equal to -1.  I had to create a test module that used 
timeGetTime to determine that this took less than 10 milliseconds.

Another useful modification was to join the tables on similar type fields 
with different data on indexed fields.  For example, joining the LastName 
field of tbl1 to the Address field of tbl2 to the ZipCode field of tbl3 also 
returned no records in under 10 milliseconds.  I quit testing at this point 
but it was my assumption that setting an impossible condition on a known 
invalid numeric key on the table with the smallest number of rows would 
result in the quickest return of no records.

Bottom line, 'Where False' seems not to take advantage of available indexes 
and seems to require some kind of join processing otherwise there is no way 
three quite tiny local tables would require 37 seconds to open a querydef.  
Even the full cross product query opened in under a second though without 
showing the (irrelevant) record count.

Getting back to the callback vs saved querydef fieldlist approaches.  I 
created two forms.  Each had a single list and no other controls.  The first 
used a fast querydef (pk of the largest table = -1) and the second used a 
callback function.  I then wrote a test module as follows:

Public Declare Function timeGetTime Lib "Winmm" () As Long

Sub loadtimes()
Dim lngt As Long

    lngt = timeGetTime
    DoCmd.OpenForm ("QueryDefFieldList")
    MsgBox timeGetTime - lngt
    lngt = timeGetTime
    DoCmd.OpenForm ("CallBack")
    MsgBox timeGetTime - lngt
End Sub

The callback function and list fill procedure using a module level string 
array was in the code behind the CallBack version of the form as shown 

Dim strVelden() As String

Sub setData()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Dim Ar
Dim lngI As Long
Dim lngJ As Long
Dim ArStr() As String

Ar = Array("tb1", "tbl2", "tbl3")
Set db = CurrentDb

For lngI = 0 To UBound(Ar)
    Set tdf = db(Ar(lngI))
    ReDim Preserve strVelden(lngJ + tdf.Fields.Count - 1)
    For Each fld In tdf.Fields
        strVelden(lngJ) = fld.Name
        lngJ = lngJ + 1
Set fld = Nothing
Set tdf = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Private Function ListMeetVelden(fld As Control, ID As Variant, row As 
Variant, col As Variant, code As Variant) As Variant
  Dim varRetVal       As Variant

  Select Case code
    Case acLBInitialize
        varRetVal = 1
    Case acLBOpen
      varRetVal = Timer       'Unique ID for control
    Case acLBGetRowCount
      varRetVal = UBound(strVelden) + 1
    Case acLBGetColumnCount
      varRetVal = 1
    Case acLBGetColumnWidth
      varRetVal = -1      'Default of -1 uses default Column Width
    Case acLBGetValue
      varRetVal = strVelden(row)
    Case acLBEnd
  End Select
  ListMeetVelden = varRetVal
End Function

I then ran the test procedure a few times and it showed that it made little 
or no difference whether the saved querydef had conditions on it or not, it 
only pulled the field names from the querydef (which was created as a local 
querydef in the FE).  I had expected that the fieldlist method would be 
faster than the callback but on initial load, the callback consistently 
loaded twice as fast as the fieldlist.  Reloading, the callback remained 
twice as fast, ranging from 1.2 times to 4.7 times as fast.  Times for both 
methods ranged from 12 to 90 milliseconds and the slowest load I have for an 
initial load using a field list was 150 milliseconds.

A few closing notes:

The test code I wrote does not have proper error handling but does allow the 
error on the list filler to return the specific table name on which an error 

The test code does not take into account array dimensions should a tabledef 
have no fields but this is not production code and this can be readily 

Using an array allows your code to sort field names and it allows you to 
concatenate the table name as a prefix when the array is written.  To do 
this with a field list you would have to specify all the names in order in 
the querydef and it could not automatically take account of revisions in the 
table design.

If you write a proper error handler and you use an invalid table name, or 
your table names change, the resulting error using a querydef field list is 
an Access UI error whereas the callback version error is easily trapped, 
logged and handled.

Using a saved querydef is another object in the database window that adds to 
the number of objects that need to be refreshed when currentdb is called 
explictly (or implicitly by Access).

Using a saved querydef adds another object that someone maintaining the 
database down the road is going to wonder about where or whether it is 
required whereas the callback code is obvious to anyone competent in their 

The original code erased the array in the Case acLBEnd and this appears to 
free up some resources but Access requires continued access to the list data 
when the list is scrolled.  The array cannot be erased until the form 
unloads or closes.

It is possible to use Databases(0)(0), a global database variable or a 
function that returns a static pointer to a database to improve on the 
callback performance when used in a LAN environment and this optimization is 
neither available nor necessary using a fieldlist approach, but it might 
make the performance advantage even greater in such an environment and 
should certainly make it no less.

Although Gustav's suggestion is a nice simple approach that I hadn't 
considered and it is quite fast, it is neither quite as fast nor as flexible 
as using a callback.  Another approach someone may want to try is parsing 
the msysQueries table but I believe that using DAO with a callback remains 
one of the best approaches.


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