[AccessD] A2K: Getting incorrect date

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Apr 27 03:52:22 CDT 2004

Hi Darren

DateDiff("y", ..) - or rather DateDiff("d", ..) - returns a number of
days. That is not a date.

If you wish a difference in months, use DateDiff("m", ..). However,
that will return one month even if the first date is the last day of
one month and the second date is the first day of the next month. If
you need the count of full months, I have a function which does that.


> Can anyone tell me why dtTimeElapsed  is returning a crap date around 1900 or so?
> dtStartDate returns the expected date as does dtTodaysDate 
> Many thanks

> Darren

> Dim dtStartDate As Date
> Dim dtTodaysDate As Date
> Dim dtTimeElapsed As Date

> dtStartDate = DLookup("[EnrolmentDate]", "tblStudentAwardAllocations", "[AwardID] = " _
>     & Forms!frmStudents!cmbAwards)
> dtTodaysDate = Date
> dtTimeElapsed = Format(DateDiff("y", [dtTodaysDate], [dtStartDate]), "m")

> MsgBox "EnrolDate = " & dtStartDate & vbCrLf _
> & "Today = " & dtTodaysDate & vbCrLf _
> & "elapsed = " & dtTimeElapsed

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