[AccessD] Opening report on desired record II

Oleg_123 at xuppa.com Oleg_123 at xuppa.com
Sun Feb 1 18:56:42 CST 2004

one more question.
On the form that lets user select on what record to open report, and opens
it (done thanks to Andy) there should be a a combo (or anything else) that
lets user select managers name to put on the report.
i select the valaue selected in the combo --
Dim xo as string
xo = cmbManager.Value
then i put text value on the report Manager. Is there now way to let
manager = xo ? I tried making 'strr = "[manager] = " & xo & "" and placing
it in Open Args, i am possibly on the right track since i do not get any
errors, but it places 0 instead of xo value. Is there a way to fix it ?


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