[AccessD] Cannot Enforce Referential Integrity

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Feb 28 17:13:34 CST 2004

On 28 Feb 2004 at 15:28, Tina Norris Fields wrote:

> A student of mine is trying to remodel a database for her employer.  I 
> think the database was converted from A97 to AXP (A2K format).  She was 
> reviewing the relationships and wanted to enforce referential integrity 
> on one or more relationships.  She reports that the checkbox for 
> enforcing referential integrity was dimmed and unavailable.  I don't 
> know much more about this particular database.  Any ideas as to why the 
> enforce referential integrity choice would be made unavailable?  
> Thanks,
> Tina
Usually this happens if there is no unique index on the joined fields 
in the parent table.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System 

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