[AccessD] Got it!

Susan Harkins ssharkins at bellsouth.net
Sun Jul 11 15:29:20 CDT 2004

>From Help -- not sure if this answers your question or not. I've been
reviewing the differences between Connection and AccessConnection myself
this afternoon. 

Susan H. 

The AccessConnection property returns an ADO connection that uses two OLE DB
providers. It uses the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Jet
(Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0) as the data provider and the Microsoft OLE DB
Provider for Microsoft Access 10 (Microsoft.Access.OLEDB.10.0) as the
service provider. 

You should use the AccessConnection property if you intend to create ADO
recordsets that will be bound to Access forms. The form will not be
updateable unless it is created by using the OLE DB Provider for Microsoft
Access 10, even if the recordset is updateable in ADO. 


Okay, last question can be forgotten:-)
The trick is to use a connected ADP and set the connection object to:
That was all I needed to have my forms act the way they did in the MDB. I
still wonder though why I couldn't get it to work using a disconnected ADP
and the original code but at least I got it to work...pfew:-)
Eric Starkenburg
Starkenburg Office Solutions


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