[AccessD] OT: Interfacing => Datamodel

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Mar 17 13:19:42 CST 2004

Hi Sander

> You may want to investigate BizTalk to assist you in this.

If you are prepared to this, Ensemble from InterSystems could be
interesting as well:



>> I need some info regarding interfacing (messages between 2
>> parties) not interfaces in VB , C++, etc.!! Could you please 
>> comment on this:
>> Process:
>> We receive and send interfaces (textfiles) with a specific 
>> layout. There are about 100 types of different messages. 
>> About 50 incoming and 50 outgoing.
>> I've build a datamodel like this:
>> Importing files:
>> 1 table stores the data of the incoming file: (tblRawData)
>> Fields:
>> ID
>> FileName
>> MessageID (wich type of message is it?)
>> MessageData
>> Date
>> Time
>> 1 table has lay-out information regarding all messages: 
>> (tblMessageLayout) 
>> MessageID (Message Type)
>> FieldName (different data fields)
>> StartPosition (at what position is the data for the field stored)
>> EndPosition (at what position is the data for the field stored)
>> Mandatory (Is this a mandatory field?)
>> 1 table with the layout as stored in the table above for 
>> every Message Type. (tblMessageX)
>> To store the data of the interface file. I would have 100 of 
>> these tables
>> Example:
>> MessageType 10 has the following fields:
>> Field    StartPosition  EndPosition  Mandatory  | Example data
>> ID        1                   8                  YES          
>> | 12345678
>> CustID  9                  15                 YES          | 100235
>> Street   16                 35                 NO           | 
>> KennedyLane 
>> Housenr 36                38                 NO           | 15
>> etc
>> etc
>> The interface could look like this:
>> 12345678100235KennedyLane15
>> 12345677100266St.Anna        6
>> 12345645100322blablabla       10
>> I want to store every line in the table tblRawData. After 
>> that I use the tblMessageLayout to export the data in 
>> tblRawData to tblMessage10
>> The table tblMessageLayout has (for Message 10) the following data:
>> MessageID FieldName    StartPosition  EndPosition  Mandatory 
>> 10              ID                1                   8       
>>            Y
>> 10              CustID         9                   15         
>>         Y
>> 10              Street          16                 35         
>>         N
>> etc
>> Could this approach work? What didn't I think of? What are 
>> known traps for interfacing?

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