[AccessD] Framework Discussion - set up question

John W. Colby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Mar 24 20:46:12 CST 2004

>I don't see exactly where to tell the fw that , for example, on 2 different
combo's Not In List, I want combo1 to pop a form for data-entry, but combo2
to silently undo and reject the newdata.  Should this be set in the Tag

First of all I abandoned all Tag usage ages ago, with the sole exception of
subform controls.  I did so because so many people were using them using so
many "syntaxes" for storing their data that it became dangerous to use them
since my stuff might be lost because of what someone else did.  I don't
particularly like using the tag for subforms but I adopted a "syntax" where
if the tag had a subform name but the Source Object property was cleared
then when the tab was clicked copy the tag to the SourceObject property.
This became very handy for setting / clearing JIT subform processing during
troubleshooting and I just never figured out another way.

I now directly program a specific control class to enable a specific
behavior in the form's Open event.  In my framework that is the only event I
use routinely, as a matter of course.  You might have noticed in the example
code a line that looks like:

    With fdclsFrm.colClasses
        .item("cboIDCity").NotInListData "tlkpCity", "CI_City", "lfrmCity",
True, False
    End With

This is what programs the specific behavior that you refer to.  The combo
city is passed parameters - the lookup table for the list data, the field
the data goes in for NotInList automatic storage, the lfrm to open for a
dblClick in the combo, and two booleans that program whether to turn on
NotInList and DblClick processing.

If a combo is not passed these parameters using this method call, then it
does nothing (does not handle) notInList or DblClick.  In my framework I pop
up a generic message "you are not authorized to edit this data".

Although I haven't done so, it would be possible to "tell" the combo that
the form should be used for NotInList and DblClick simply by testing for a
value passed into the table / field parameters.  If nothing passed in there,
but a form is passed in AND the UseNotInList boolean is true, then assume
that the form should open for NotInList processing.

The bottom line is that the form scanning is difficult to program for this
kind of stuff directly unless you do use the tag property and I have a
personal distaste for using the tag so I don't.  My good friend William
started me moving away from using tags.  He said "just give me a method to
directly program behaviors and I'll do it explicitly".  Now I do just that.

John W. Colby

-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com]On Behalf Of Developer
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 2004 9:17 AM
To: 'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'
Subject: RE: [AccessD] Framework Discussion - set up question

I;ve been not able to read all the mail on the FW closely for the past
week, so sorry if this is a repeat.
I "get" the idea, and the form scanning, but I don't see exaclty where
to tell the fw that , for example, on 2 different combo's Not In List, I
want combo1 to pop a form for data-entry, but combo2 to silently undo
and reject the newdata.  Should this be set in the Tag property?


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