[AccessD] OT-Can anyone help me with ASP problem (complete no vice)

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Thu May 20 15:55:49 CDT 2004

A good help mailist or blogs at communities http://www.aspadvice.com

If you have ASP on your machine, you have the adovbs.inc file somewhere on
your machine. Do a search for it. adovbs.inc is a text file containing ASP
scripting that provides constant string values for a whole slew of ADO
properties. For example, if you don't use ADO, you can open a
fully-navigable RecordSet by specifying the CursorType property thusly:

RecordSetName.CursorType = 3

If using adovbs.inc, you can use:

RecordSetName.CursorType = adOpenStatic

You can store adovbs.inc anywhere.  I use similar includes in an /includes/
folder off the root:    /includes/

Then reference it this way:

<!--#include virtual="/includes/adovbs.inc"-->

or directly off your root  include the following

<!-- #include file="../adovbs.inc" -->

To really speed things up you can put the following inside the file 
and avoid putting all this 10 K script from adovbs.inc in every page. 
You will need access to IIS to do this
FILE="c:\program files\common files\system\ado\msado15.dll" NAME="ADO type

ranthony at wrsystems.com wrote:

>I'm not sure what this line does, <!--#Include Virtual="/ADOVBS.inc"-->.
>When I use the include statement, I use it with a file and the path to that
>file.  For instance,
><!--#INCLUDE FILE="../wplog/DBconnect.inc" -->
>-----Original Message-----
>From: paul.hartland at fsmail.net [mailto:paul.hartland at fsmail.net] 
>Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 5:24 AM
>To: accessd
>Subject: [AccessD] OT-Can anyone help me with ASP problem (complete novice)
>To all,
>Firstly can anyone suggest a good asp list that's as excellent as this one
>Secondly is there anyone that can tell me what I'm doing wrong in the
>following ASP code:
><%@ Language="VBScript" %>
><% Option Explicit %>
><!--#Include Virtual="/ADOVBS.inc"-->
>                Sub OfficeSelected()
>                                response.write strOffice
>                End Sub
>                Dim dbConn
>                Dim rsCheck
>                Dim rsOffice
>                Dim strSQLAccess
>                Dim strSQLOffice
>                Dim strChkUser
>                Dim strChkPass
>                Dim strUser
>                Dim strOffice
>                Set dbConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
>                Set rsOffice=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
>                Set rsCheck=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
>                dbConn.ConnectionString=Server.MapPath("Genesis.mdb")
>                dbConn.Provider="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
>                dbConn.Open
>                strChkUser=request.form("Username")
>                strChkPass=request.form("Password")
>                strUser=UCase(Left(strChkUser,1)) &
>                strSQLAccess="SELECT Username, Password FROM tblUsers WHERE
>EnableUser=True AND Username='" & strChkUser & "' AND Password='" &
>strChkPass & "'"
>                Set rsCheck=dbConn.Execute(strSQLAccess)
>                %>
>                                <BODY background="niceblue.jpg">
>                <%
>                if ( rsCheck.EOF ) Then
>                                %>
>                                                <H2><FONT
>color="Black"><CENTER><B><I>Username and/or Password Not
>                                <%
>                Else
>                                strSQLOffice="SELECT OfficeName FROM
>                                Set rsOffice=dbConn.Execute(strSQLOffice)
>                                If ( rsOffice.EOF=False ) Then
>                                                rsOffice.MoveFirst
>                                                response.write
>"<H2><CENTER><FONT color='White'>Welcome To The Orridge Internet Reporting
>System " & strUser & "</FONT></CENTER></H2>"
>                                                response.write "<HR
>                                                response.write "<FONT
>color='White'><B>Please Select An Office:</B></FONT>"
>                                                %>
>                                                                <SELECT
>name='ddOffices' onchange='OfficeSelected()'>
>                                                                <OPTION
>selected=""Selected"" value="""">Choose....</OPTION>
>                                                                <%
>Do Until rsOffice.EOF=True
>                                                                %>
>                                                                <%
>                                                                %>
>                                                                </SELECT>
>                                                <%
>                                                response.write "<HR
>                                                response.write
>                                                rsOffice.Close
>                                                Set rsOffice=Nothing
>                                End If
>                End If
>                %>
>                                </BODY>
>                <%
>                rsCheck.Close
>                Set rsCheck=Nothing
>                dbConn.Close
>                Set dbConn=Nothing
>I get and Error for Line 3 saying Object Expected, but haven't a clue what
>this could be.....I hope someone can point me in the right direction.
>Basically when a user selects an option from the dropdown box I want to jump
>to the function at the top of the page and then just print the office that
>the user selected underneath the dropdown box.
>Thanks in advance.
>Paul Hartland

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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