[AccessD] Ajax and Atlas with XML

MartyConnelly martyconnelly at shaw.ca
Thu Aug 18 11:27:33 CDT 2005

Ah,  I knew why I didn't look at AJAX and ASP.Net 1.0 way back when.
It is a lot easier to do now with ASP.Net 2.0 but it is still Beta 2.0

ASP.NET V1.0 and V1.1 have no explicit support for this technology
ASP.NET V2.0 contains out-of-the-box support for asynchronous client 
script callbacks
and provides a fairly simple way to register the callback methods,
invoke them, and handle any associated errors with RaiseCallbackEvent
However the xmlhttp request object does have a deferred callback.

 From this months Simple Talk The journal for Microsoft technology 
developers and DBAs

Asynchronous client script callback for ASP.Net 2.0


Asynchronous Web Service Calls over HTTP with the .NET Framework using 
ASP.Net 1.0
Old ASP.Net  1.0 method complicated and falls over in certain situations


This article gives good diagrams on asynch/synch methods
Jesse James Garrett

Jim Lawrence wrote:

>Marty what do you mean 'No dancing Hamster'! :-(
>What is your opinion on the AJAX.Net variation on AJAX which seems to be the
>hottest ticket?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of MartyConnelly
>Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:10 PM
>To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>Subject: Re: [AccessD] Ajax and Atlas with XML
>Nope that is it, all there is in the one xml element, no dancing hamsters
>This site will give you a better idea but more html code needed
>Click on 
>Drop Downs & Form Handling <javascript: toggleDiv('div_dropdowns')>
>then click states states
>Jim Lawrence wrote:
>>Hi Marty:
>>Just a note the Server page update sample. 
>>It initially shows the following line: This is some sample data. It is the
>>default data for this web page. View XML data.
>>.. and when clicking on the link: View XML data
>>.. the line then displays: This is some sample data. It is stored in an XML
>>file and retrieved by JavaScript.
>>.. and that is all. Is there supposed to be more displayed?
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
>>[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of MartyConnelly
>>Sent: Tuesday, August 16, 2005 12:50 PM
>>To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
>>Subject: [AccessD] Ajax and Atlas with XML
>>If looking for xml info starter sites.
>>A vb oriented site was once vbxml.com
>>Try to buy XML books published in last 3 years otherwise
>>you wont get latest in XSLT and  XQuery. Old books maybe based on old 
>>XSL patterns
>>which might prove confusing.
>>Now here is the latest buzz in XML development with AJAX.
>>In computer programming, AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a 
>>method of building interactive applications for the Web that process 
>>user requests immediately.Ajax allows content on Web pages to update 
>>immediately when a user performs an action, unlike an HTTP request, 
>>during which users must wait for a whole new page to load. For example, 
>>a weather forecasting site could display local conditions on one side of 
>>the page without delay after a user types in a zip code.
>>Google Map works this way. ATLAS is a downloadable javascript engine 
>>Microsoft  is supposed to bring out in September at some convention.
>>How difficult is this stuff well it is not rocket science. But an 
>>amalgam of 4 or 5 techniques. Ajax combines several programming tools 
>>including JavaScript, dynamic HTML (DHTML), Extensible Markup Language 
>>(XML), cascading style sheets (CSS), the Document Object Model (DOM), 
>>and the Microsoft object, XMLHttpRequest. After that you can use Web 
>>Services to grab the xml data. You could modify javascript to VBA too 
>>for use in Access.
>>Some sites where you can grab javascript source and  examples of Ajax or 
>>download them
>>Dynamic HTML and xmlhttpRequest object
>>Jesse Garrett  What is Ajax?  (The guy that gave it the name)
>>Here is a elementary ajax sample just place the two files on your web 
>>server and run with java script enabled
>>through your favourite browser.
>>You can also run from hard disk directly in Netscape 7.0 but IE locally 
>>has security stops and uses file: protocol and not http: protocol so 
>>wont run correctly
>>without a lot of  fiddling with settings. Rather than use a object; 
>>might use document.innerhtml to get around for local use.
>>On my server these two files  
>>Save this file as UTF-8 not ANSI   ajax.html
>><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN"
>> "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
>><html lang="en" dir="ltr">
>> <head>
>>   <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
>>   <title>Developing Web Applications with Ajax - Example</title>
>><script type="text/javascript"><!--
>>function ajaxRead(file){
>> var xmlObj = null;
>> if(window.XMLHttpRequest){
>>     xmlObj = new XMLHttpRequest();
>> } else if(window.ActiveXObject){
>>     xmlObj = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
>> } else {
>>     return;
>> }
>> xmlObj.onreadystatechange = function(){
>>   if(xmlObj.readyState == 4){
>>      updateObj('xmlObj', 
>>    }
>>   }
>>   xmlObj.open ('GET', file, true);
>>   xmlObj.send ('');
>> }
>> function updateObj(obj, data){
>>  document.getElementById(obj).firstChild.data = data;
>> }
>> //--></script>
>> </head>
>> <body>
>>   <h1>Developing Web Applications with Ajax</h1>
>>   <p>This page demonstrates the use of Asynchronous Javascript and XML 
>>(Ajax) technology to
>>   update a web page's content by reading from a remote file 
>>dynamically -- no page reloading
>>   is required. Note that this operation does not work for users 
>>without JavaScript enabled.</p>
>>   <p id="xmlObj">
>>   This is some sample data. It is the default data for this web page. 
>><a href="data.xml"
>>   title="View the XML data." onclick="ajaxRead('data.xml'); 
>>this.style.display='none'; return false">View XML     data.</a>
>>   </p>
>> </body>
>>Save this file below as UTF-8 data.xml
>><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>> <data>
>>   This is some sample data. It is stored in an XML file and retrieved 
>>by JavaScript.
>> </data>
>>Gustav Brock wrote:
>>>Hi Bryan
>>>So no job? Or wife?? Is that what you are trying to tell?
>>>On the other hand (for the job option, cannot tell for the wife
>>>option), with your knowledge I would expect it to be easy for you to
>>>find some "new challenges" except, of course, if things are a little
>>>more complicated than they may appear to be ...
>>>Currently I'm facing some XML work. Haven't done anything with this and
>>>Access and hardly know where to look except browsing this list ...
>>>So an XML cookbook or guide is a suggestion.
>>>>>>carbonnb at sympatico.ca 08/16 3:45 am >>>
>>>I have found myself in a situation that gives me an inordinate amount 
>>>of free time and I'm looking for some ideas to fill my time.
>>>I am thinking of something that would make development easier or a 
>>>specifc app that would greatly help developers. I need something to 
>>>keep my mind active and fingers busy :)
>>>It can be anything from Access to Word to Excel (Office 2K), even VB 
>>>I'm open to any and all suggestion. And If I can learn something new, 
>>>that would be even better.
>>>Let the flood gates open :-)

Marty Connelly
Victoria, B.C.

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