[AccessD] A97. Report with printer andpaperselectionpickswrongpaper when deployed on identica

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Feb 8 10:39:57 CST 2005

Hi Steve

That sounds close. 
So what you are saying is, that PrintMediaReady at the client initially
contains another media (paper format) than the one we wish to use?
And - if once corrected, manually or by writing the registry - it will
not fail later?


>>> Developer at UltraDNT.com 08-02-2005 17:15:38 >>>
The issue is in the way 2000/XP handles Custom paper.

In Me/98, you only had one custom paper size per machine, represented
the constant 255.  In 2000/XP, there is support for multiple custom
paper sizes, therefore, it is some random number that Windows gives
custom paper sizes, that can differ from PC to PC, even with
identical setups.
On your PC you are assigning a paper-size number that the client
have, as the default paper, when you set your paper to Invoice.  The
client PC defaults to letter because it can't find the same paper size
number as on your PC.

You have to dig in Registry, under:
NT\CurrentVersion\Print\Printers\<<printer name>>\DsDriver
The PrintMediaSupported key has multiple values.  Find Invoice, then
that as the value for

Or - do what I did - give the user a "Setup" screen.


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