[AccessD] complex query!!

Pedro Janssen pedro at plex.nl
Fri Jan 14 16:29:36 CST 2005

Hi Steve,

never doubt yourself, doubt microsoft.

I suddenly realised that i also need the Standarddeviation for the results
of the averages.
Can i change the code of the sql in:

strSQL = strSQL & "  (StDev[" & strTblName1 & "].[Value]+[" & _
               strTblName2 & "].[Value]) AS StDevVal "

or is it better to ad an extra field in the results table for the StDev and
adjust the code?

Pedro Janssen

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steven W. Erbach" <serbach at new.rr.com>
To: "Access Developers discussion and problem solving"

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