[AccessD] Drilling down with ADO

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Sat Jun 25 22:43:10 CDT 2005

On 25 Jun 2005 at 20:34, John W. Colby wrote:

> objects stored in a database container (a form or control).  As for fields
> in tables, I know that DAO can do so, I have no idea whether ADO could
> return the data type of a field in a table.  Is this possible?

Function ListFieldTypes()
Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rst As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim lngLoopcount As Long

Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection
rst.ActiveConnection = cnn
rst.Open Source:="tbltest", ActiveConnection:=cnn
For lngLoopcount = 0 To rst.Fields.Count - 1
   Debug.Print rst.Fields(lngLoopcount).Type
End Function

Type returns a constant defined in  ADODB.DataTypeEnum

 ' ADODB.DataTypeEnum
Const adBigInt = 20
Const adBinary = 128
Const adBoolean = 11
Const adBSTR = 8
Const adChapter = 136
Const adChar = 129
Const adCurrency = 6
Const adDate = 7
Const adDBDate = 133
Const adDBFileTime = 137
Const adDBTime = 134
Const adDBTimeStamp = 135
Const adDecimal = 14
Const adDouble = 5
Const adEmpty = 0
Const adError = 10
Const adFileTime = 64
Const adGUID = 72
Const adIDispatch = 9
Const adInteger = 3
Const adIUnknown = 13
Const adLongVarBinary = 205
Const adLongVarChar = 201
Const adLongVarWChar = 203 
Const adNumeric = 131
Const adPropVariant = 138 
Const adSingle = 4
Const adSmallInt = 2
Const adTinyInt = 16
Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21
Const adUnsignedInt = 19
Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18
Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
Const adUserDefined = 132
Const adVarBinary = 204
Const adVarChar = 200
Const adVariant = 12
Const adVarNumeric = 139
Const adVarWChar = 202
Const adWChar = 130

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