[AccessD] TOP 30 for multiple theaters.

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Mar 15 12:33:25 CST 2005

Hi Erwin

You didn't tell about website access.
If that is the purpose, I would build a lookup table for that which I
would recreate every night.


>>> Erwin.Craps at ithelps.be 15-03-2005 15:28:36 >>>
Ok, this seems to work, was not able to fully verify because:

One downside.
The query was already running for 20 minutes for the year 2004 when I
interupted it....

(the table has about 300,000 records at this date)

In the meanwhile I have wrote the VBA code to do this.
I find it a petty because, using temp tables make parametrible website
access far more difficult.

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