[AccessD] Tracing program flow

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Fri May 6 14:12:57 CDT 2005

Hi John

Not to shortcut your clever thoughts and comments here, but it sounds
like you may expect a flood of errors.
As you are capable of writing robust code popping no messageboxes, my
guess is that the only errors you'll ever meet will be at the
transmitting (mail, fax, ftp) process where - on the other hand - all
sorts of errors can arise and - worse yet - you can't even set up a test
scenario that simulates all these errors; you just have to be prepared
that what can fail sooner or later will fail.


>>> jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com 05/06 8:39 pm >>>
I am designing a system to create reports to be sent to a client
automatically every evening.  I did this before and had consistent
with error handling, msgboxes in error handlers popping up and stopping
process etc.  This time there will be no msgboxes, but errors must be
reported thus I am trying to build a system that can be called from
error handler or where a message box would pop up.  The system will log
such messages.  Some thoughts in no particular order.

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