[AccessD] In the meantime...simple syntax question

John Clark John.Clark at niagaracounty.com
Tue Oct 11 14:07:26 CDT 2005

I just posted, what I believe to be, a difficult question. But, in the
meantime, allow me to pose something that should be quite a bit easier.

I have a label on my form, which I am using to notify the user exactly
what is being queried. The problem, if you could even call it a problem,
is that if you filling in following data: 

     txtEmpNum = "10080"; cboTOType = "Vacation"; cboMonth = "June";
and txtYr = "2005"

you will get the following string in the label, "lblSummary"
    "This data represents all v time taken, for employee 10080, for
JUN, 2005"

and I would like it to say, "This data represents all Vacation time
taken, for employee 10080, for June, 2005"

The following is the code snippet that I am doing this with:

'Set summary text to let user know exactly what is being queried
SummaryText = "This data represents all " & cboTOType & " time taken,
for employee "
SummaryText = SummaryText & txtEmpNum & ", for " & cboMonth & ", " &
lblSummary.Caption = SummaryText

And I tried changing it to:

'Set summary text to let user know exactly what is being queried
SummaryText = "This data represents all " & cboTOType.SelText & " time
taken, for employee "
SummaryText = SummaryText & txtEmpNum & ", for " & cboMonth.SelText &
", " & txtYr
lblSummary.Caption = SummaryText

i.e. Adding ".SelText" to the two combo box control calls

but then I get, "You can't reference a property or a method for a
control unless the control has focus"

OK...now what? Any ideas? The only one I've got in my head right now,
is to set up parameters to send to the function that does this, but they
would have to be global...so maybe I add the code snippet above to each
of the field's "AfterUpdate" event and do it there? Again...any ideas?

Thanks again. I'm flustered and going home for the night. I've got a
headache and I've gotta stop at the pet store and buy crickets for my
son's anoles...spelling?..."lizards." Then, I've got to stop by the
football field and pass on the stats from last game. Is 4:00 PM too
early to go to bed?

Tomorrow is a new day...and hopfully a much better one ;)

Take care all! 

John W Clark     

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