[AccessD] Setting Default control sizes in advance

Arthur Fuller artful at rogers.com
Thu Apr 6 23:11:48 CDT 2006

Occasionally I have posed on this site as a person who knows what he is
doing. Forgive me for that, since I know nothing.
I have a client who wants every single control on every single form to be
sized 12 point not the default 10. 
I have another client who is quite satisfied with 10 point.
Is there a way to establish a compiler directive or global var or whatever,
such that in App 1 the AutoForm will respect 12 point while in App 2 the
AutoForm will respect 10 point? (I only mention AutoForm because if it works
there then I assume it will work everywhere.)
This same question probably also extends to font (client A likes Arial,
client B likes Times Roman). Can this be done? Or must I continue with this
inane form-by-form selection and resizing ad nauseum?
Solutions requested!
Client A wants 12 point Arial everywhere.
Client B wants 10 point Times Roman everywhere.
I begin most of my forms based on an underlying query. I also (unlike many
on this list) define every lookup etc. thoroughly at the table level (i.e.
in the BE I state that CustomerID in the Orders table is a lookup into the
Customers table). I do this so that I can inherit the definition in all
subsequent forms and reports. I realize that many of you do not do this, and
I don't want this to get sidetracked into a discussion about that. I want to
concentrate on the question of how to default all AutoForms (and custom
forms too) to default to control-font-size = 10 v. 12 and control-font =
Arial v. Courier or something else.
Can this be done, and if so how?

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