[AccessD] Locking a textbox based on other form controls

Christopher Jeris cjeris at fas.harvard.edu
Thu Aug 17 10:13:59 CDT 2006

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Charlotte Foust wrote:
> Only if you don't set the form's recordset or RecordSource property from
> code.  And Text is a read only property of Access textboxes.  It can
> only be read when the control has the focus.  Otherwise, you have to use
> the Value property.  What you're describing sounds a lot like what
> happens when a bound textbox has a change made in code to the underlying
> recordset and the user then tries to change the value from the UI and
> save the record.  The two changes collide and Access complains mightily.

I can see that -- but every textbox in my form is unbound (in the Form
Designer UI, the textbox displays 'Unbound' inside it, and the 'Control
Source' property on the 'Data' tab is blank), the form itself is unbound,
and the string 'RecordSource' does not appear anywhere in my VB code!  If
there's any place in my project where a form or control is bound to a
recordset, I don't know how it got there or how to find it.

thanks, Chris Jeris
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