[AccessD] Manipulating Excel Cells

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Feb 2 08:36:03 CST 2006

On 2 Feb 2006 at 11:12, Gustav Brock wrote:

> Hi Stuart
> Well well, I hope everyone can see I used _two_ lines, still the essential
> code is one line. 

If you *really* want one line, you can just this:

strCol =  iif(lngCol >26,Chr$(Int((lngCol- 1) \ 26) + 64),"")  _
             + Chr$((lngCol - 1) Mod 26 + 65)

lngCol = iif(len(strCol)>1,26 * (Asc(UCase$(Left$(strCol, 1)))- 64),0) _
             + Asc(UCase$(Right$(strCol, 1))) - 64


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