[AccessD] Bit OT - Reporting Services Question

Dan Waters dwaters at usinternet.com
Tue Feb 28 08:43:41 CST 2006


Can you use:

Do While intCount < 10

    . . . .

    intCount = intCount + 1

I've used this instead of While - Wend for some time and it always work.


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Darren DICK
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 7:49 AM
To: AccessD
Subject: [AccessD] Bit OT - Reporting Services Question

Hello all

In reporting services if I run the code below (from Lambert) I get the error

"Wend statements are no longer supported . Use "End While" statements

So If I replace wend with End while I don't get the desired result

The desired result is

From..... .C:\Program Files\Some Folder\some cool file.dll 

I want.....some cool file.dll 

But I am getting.....C:\Program Files\Some Folder

any suggestions??

Many thanks


Code Start>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Function GetPath(aPath) As String

Dim foo As Integer, aSlash As Integer

aSlash = 0

foo = InStr(aPath, "\")

While (foo > 0)

aSlash = foo

foo = InStr(aSlash + 1, aPath, "\")

end while

If aSlash > 0 Then

GetPath = Left$(aPath, aSlash)


GetPath = aPath

End If

End Function

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