[AccessD] What are templates really?

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Sun Jan 22 05:38:57 CST 2006

Hi John

I guess you are still in Excel world ...

I do it the way you describe.

All Excel code is kept in one Excel write protected "macro" workbook which will never corrupt.
This has code to open a data template, read and manipulate data.
When done, a formatted template is opened, and data is copied from the data workbook.
Finally, some minor data dependant formatting is carried out and the finished (correctly formatted) template is saved as a clean normal xls file.
The data workbook is trashed and the macro workbook is closed.

This is controlled from Access using the RunMacro feature of Excel.

The main advantages are that no corruption of the source Excel files will happen, and that all formatting can be done and maintained outside your code in Access.


>>> jwcolby at ColbyConsulting.com 21-01-2006 20:04 >>>
I understand the concept of placing a bunch of code/formatting etc in a
file, calling it a template, and then opening that to "start" a new object
of that type.  But is the template write protected, i.e. if I open one and
attempt to save it it will prompt for a file name or something?  How are
they used by us programmers?

John W. Colby

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