[AccessD] Form hangs when setting listbox selected index

Christopher Jeris cjeris at fas.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 12 15:27:22 CDT 2007

Hash: SHA1

Christopher Jeris wrote:
> I would have used .RowSource, but in the actual location where this
> construct is used, I need to supply parameters to the query that
> populates the listbox, and those parameters are determined by other
> settings.  I didn't see a way to do that with the .RowSource property,
> which seems to take only the name of a table or query, or else a
> statically determined list of values.

Actually, I need not set the data source of the listbox control with VB
code at all, which suggests that I am misunderstanding something
fundamental.  Here is the simplest possible case I can find:

1. Create a blank database.
2. Create a single table Table1, with a single TEXT(50) field field1.  I
chose not to make any primary key on this test table, in case it matters.
3. Insert three rows into the table, with text "A", "B", "C".
4. Create a single form Form1 in Design view.
5. Insert a listbox control List0 onto the form; cancel out of the wizard.
6. Set the control's RowSource property to be "Table1".
7. Add the following event handler:
    Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
        Me!List0.Selected(0) = True
    End Sub

Now, when the form is saved, closed, and opened in Form view, and I
click on the listbox List0, the dotted focus box does not appear and the
selection does not change.  In fact, the form becomes completely
unresponsive, as can be verified by adding more controls to it.

Steve Schapel wrote:
> Admittedly just shooting in the dark here...  Does your listbox have
> the Column Heads property set to Yes?  Could you experiment with
> changing that?  Does the same problem occur if you try with another
> item in the listbox for example
>   Me!List0.Selected(1) = True

Column Heads is set to No, but changing it to Yes does not alter the
problem.  The problem still occurs if the index 0 is replaced by 1 or 2.

Chris Jeris

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