[AccessD] NZ for Null

John Skolits askolits at ot.com
Fri Jun 22 06:32:03 CDT 2007

I've been loosely following this thread. I was having problems with NZ many
years ago and came up with the below. It may not be as efficient as it could
be and some of you may find some holes in the programming logic but it has
'never' failed me. I've used it for ten years.

John Skolits

Function N2Z(anyValue As Variant) As Double
      ''                         CDD Inc Procedure Identification
      ''    FUNCTION:          N2Z
      ''    PURPOSE:       Used through the application,
      ''                    it converts null and empty values to zero
      ''    ARGUMENTS:     anyValue - any value to check
      ''    RETURNS:    Zero for empties, nulls and #deleted# items
      ''    Date/AUTHOR:   John Skolits 03/14/97

10    On Error GoTo N2Z_ERR

      '*********BEGIN CODE HERE ********

20            On Error GoTo N2Z_ERR

30    If anyValue = "#Deleted" Then anyValue = Null

40    If IsNull(anyValue) Or IsEmpty(anyValue) Then
50        N2Z = CDbl(0)
60    Else
70        N2Z = CDbl(anyValue)
80    End If


90    Exit Function

100   If Err = 13 Then Resume N2Z_EXIT 'Display the error
110    If Err = 3021 Then
120     MsgBox "You are trying to use the N2Z functionwith no data.",
vbInformation, "N2Z error"
        '(Note: This message may appear multiple times.) 
130     Resume N2Z_EXIT
140    End If

150    If Err = 2427 Or Err = 2424 Or Err = 63933 Then
160     N2Z = CDbl(0)
170     Resume N2Z_EXIT
180    End If

      Dim strCallingObject As String
190   strCallingObject = "N2Z" & "  " & Application.CurrentObjectName & "
Line: " & Erl
200   MsgBox Err, Error, strCallingObject
210   Resume N2Z_EXIT

End Function

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