[AccessD] Search for credit card numbers

Michael Bahr jedi at charm.net
Sat Apr 19 17:48:44 CDT 2008

Hi Mark, here is an improved function to capture cc numbers within a
string.  The other one I sent you only worked 2/3, the contiguous part
failed by not capturing enough.  However this version fixes that.  I have
included instructions within the function so please follow them.  Also keep
this function handy somewhere and use it as a template for future regular

This function only demonstrates the power of regular expressions and
includes a built-in test string.  All you need to do is copy it and paste
into a module and run it.

I modified the test pattern to 
ccpattern = "(\d{3,5}((\ |-|\.)\d{3,5})+|\d{13,16})"
and is in 2 parts.

Part 1, \d{4,6}((\ |-|\.)\d{4,6})+ includes some enhancements.  The \d{4,6}
means that I am looking for either 4,5,6 digits-no more, no less.  I
removed the ? from the (\ |-|\.) because now I want to implicitly look for
groups of 
((\ |-|\.)\d{4,6})+ like .12345.  So now I will capture numbers like 
1234-567899-90001 and 1234 0001.1000-9999 and so on.  Btw, you always
modify the 
(\ |-|\.) to suit your needs adding more simply by inserting a | between
each char.  Notice that some chars have a \ in front-that just means to use
the literal char as some of these chars have special meanings.

Part 2, |\d{13,16} is new in that this is an OR condition that uses the "|"
pipe or vertical bar as the OR part.  So now I am implicitly looking for
13,14,15,16 contiguous digits.

When you ready to implement this into your project copy the guts into your

Enjoy, Mike...

' set a debug breakpoint at the regex.test(str) and
' step 1 line at time
' in the debug window add watches for the following:
' matches
' matches(0).submatches
' matches(1).submatches
' matches(2).submatches
' matches(3).submatches
' matches(4).submatches
' ccnumber
' these will contain the cc number if matched
Function ccMatch() As Boolean
   Dim regex As Object
   Dim ccpattern As Variant
   Dim regexMatch As Boolean
   Dim str As String
   Dim matches As Variant
   str = "The quick brown fox with cc numbers 1234 0001.1000-9999,
1234-567899-90001, 123.100000-99999, 1234567890123, and 0000999910009999
jumped over the fence"

   ccMatch = 0
   ccpattern = "(\d{4,6}((\ |-|\.)\d{4,6})+|\d{13,16})"
'   ccpattern = "(\d+((\ |-|\.)?\d+)+)"

   Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
   ' global is needed for multiple matches otherwise
   ' will stop after first match
   regex.Global = True
'   regexMatch = True
'   regex.ignorecase = True

   ' test for cc number
   regex.pattern = ccpattern
   regexMatch = regex.test(str)
   Set matches = regex.Execute(str)

   ' stop stepping here and look at the results
   If (regexMatch) Then
      ' got a match
      ' the matches collection show how many matches there are in the
      ' the submatches index is the parenthesis order starting
      ' from left to right, in debug these are shown as item 1, item 2, etc
      ' and tell you how to numerate the collection starting with 0
      ' iterate through collection
      For Each thisitem In matches
        ccnumber = thisitem
        ' now you can use your best method for replacing the cc number
        ' with your string
        ' regex.replace

      ccMatch = 1
   End If
End Function

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 4/18/2008 at 8:41 PM Michael Bahr wrote:

>Ok here is a function that may work for you.  I have not tested it.  I
>leave the replace part to you.  Use the debugger amply.
>' This will match the following cc numbers:
>'0000 0000 0000 0000
>' set a debug breakpoint at the top of this function and
>' step 1 line at time
>Function ccMatch (str as String) As Boolean
>   Dim regex As Object
>   Dim ccpattern as Variant
>   Dim regexMatch As Boolean
>   Dim matches As MatchCollection
>   ccMatch = 0
>   ccpattern = "(\d+((\ |-)?\d+)+)"
>   Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
>   regexMatch = True
>   regex.Global = True
>   regex.ignorecase = True
>   ' test for cc number
>   regex.pattern = ccpattern
>   regexMatch = regex.test(str)
>   If (regexMatch) Then
>      ' got a match now substitute your string
>      ' matches(0).submatches(0) should contain the cc number
>      Set matches = regex.Execute(str)
>      ' once you step here look at the properties for the matches object
>      '
>      ' the submatches index is the parenthesis order starting
>      ' from left to right--can be viewed in the debug window
>      ' while manually stepping
>      ccnumber = matches(0).submatches(0)
>      ' now you can use your best method for replacing the cc number
>      ' with your string
>      ' regex.replace
>      ccMatch = 1
>   End If
>End Function
>hth.  Gotta go, Dr. Who is on and then BSG.  SciFi Friday. 
>*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********
>On 4/18/2008 at 6:12 PM Mark A Matte wrote:
>>Thanks Mike,
>>I had already considered the different lengths and seperators... this
>>,"(\d+((\ |-)?\d+)+)", intrigues me...what do I do with it/how do i call
>>it???  The numbers I'm looking for are in the middle of the text of a
>>Thanks again,
>>Mark A. Matte
>>> Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:32:17 -0400
>>> From: jedi at charm.net
>>> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Search for credit card numbers
>>> Hi Mark, your best solution is to use a regular expression to match a
>>> pattern of numbers. CC numbers can have dashes or spaces separating the
>>> number groups or can be contiguous--just depends on how it was written.
>>> For example using a pattern like
>>> (\d+((\ |-)?\d+)+)
>>> Meaning:
>>> 1. The first set of parens (outer) capture the whole matching CC
>>> 2. The first \d+ means one or more digits
>>> 3. The ((\ |-)?\d+) means the next char either a space or "-" may exist
>>> (because of the ?) and then again 1 or more digits
>>> 4. And the final + is one or more of the pattern in #3.
>>> would cover 3 possible patterns
>>> 0000-0000-0000-0000
>>> 0000 0000 0000 0000
>>> 0000000000000000
>>> CC number length range from 13 to 16 digits so this should catch them.
>>> however this is not foolproof. If you happen to have some other number
>>> that matches that pattern then it too will get caught.
>>> If you want to determine the issuer then a simple case statement
>>> the identifier will suffice.
>>> Give this some thought.
>>> Mike...
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> I'm getting ready to build something that searches MEMO and text
>>>> for credit card numbers (card number NOT known)...and then replace
>>>> Before I got started, I was wondering if anyone has any advice...or
>>>> done somthing similar.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark A. Matte
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