[AccessD] Changing Printer

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Dec 10 23:22:50 CST 2008

The Printer object was introduces in either Acess XP or 2003?

Private Declare Function GetComputerName Lib "kernel32" _
    Alias "GetComputerNameA" _
    (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long

Function ReturnComputerName() As String
Dim rString As String * 255, sLen As Long, tString As String
    tString = ""
    On Error Resume Next
    sLen = GetComputerName(rString, 255)
    sLen = InStr(1, rString, Chr(0))
    If sLen > 0 Then
        tString = Left(rString, sLen - 1)
        tString = rString
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    ReturnComputerName = UCase(Trim(tString))
End Function

Function PrintToPrinter(ComputerName as string, NewPrinter as String) As Long
Dim strPrinter As String

If ReturnComputerName = ucase$(ComputerName) Then
'store current system default printer
   strPrinter = Application.Printer.DeviceName
'set new system default printer
   Application.Printer = Application.Printers(NewPrinter)
end if

'Do all your reports

'Reset back to original Default printer if necessary  
If strPrinter > "" Then 
   Application.Printer = Application.Printers(strPrinter)
End If

On 10 Dec 2008 at 20:30, Rocky Smolin at Beach Access  wrote:

> Dear List:
> Is there a simple way to change the printer on a report?  Client wants to
> change the printer for about 40-50 reports when run from a specific
> computer.  He can tell what computer is running the report so 
> If Computer = 'xxx' then Default printer = 'yyyy'
> It's OK to hardcode xxxx and yyyy  and the printer doesn't have to be
> changed back to the original printer after being changed.
> Rocky Smolin
> Beach Access Software
> 858-259-4334
> www.e-z-mrp.com <http://www.e-z-mrp.com/> 
> www.bchacc.com <http://www.bchacc.com/> 
> -- 
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