[AccessD] Loop Until Date=Date

Mark A Matte markamatte at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 23 11:54:03 CST 2008

Thanks Everyone,

I never thought of 30 minutes as 1/48 of a day.  It does feel better knowing that my looking at 2 identical things...and them not being = was my ignorance and not my insanity.  

Is this 'issue' just in access...maybe excel...and what about SQL Server?


Mark A. Matte

> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 18:30:33 +0100
> From: Gustav at cactus.dk
> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Loop Until Date=Date
> Hi Mark
> No, it is just that a date time value really is a Double, and subtracting Doubles will cause rounding errors sooner or later.
> And you do perform a subtraction because the comparison
> RecordDT = RecordDT_end
> is performed behind the scene as
> RecordDT - RecordDT_end = 0
> Thus, always either use the DateSerial, TimeSerial, DateDiff, DateAdd, etc functions when handling date times, or be very careful with rounding errors, or test for an interval (comparing only>= or <= as Drew suggests is only halfway safe)
> Abs(RecordDT - RecordDT_end) <= 0.0001
> Here are the functions we use to round a date time value correctly:
> Private Const clngSecondsPerDay As Long = 24& * 60& * 60&
> Public Function DateTimeRound( _
> ByVal datTime As Date) _
> As Date
> ' Returns datTime rounded off to the second by
> ' removing a millisecond portion.
> '
> ' 2006-01-23, Cactus Data ApS, CPH
> Call RoundSecondOff(datTime)
> DateTimeRound = datTime
> End Function
> Private Sub RoundSecondOff( _
> ByRef datDate As Date)
> ' Rounds off datDate to the second by
> ' removing a millisecond portion.
> '
> ' 2006-01-23, Cactus Data ApS, CPH
> Dim lngDate As Long
> Dim lngTime As Long
> Dim dblTime As Double
> ' Get date part.
> lngDate = Fix(datDate)
> ' Get time part.
> dblTime = datDate - lngDate
> ' Round time part to the second.
> lngTime = Fix(dblTime * clngSecondsPerDay)
> ' Return date part and rounded time part.
> datDate = CVDate(lngDate + lngTime / clngSecondsPerDay)
> End Sub
> /gustav
>>>> markamatte at hotmail.com 23-01-2008 17:59:50>>>
> Ok...its now clear as mud...
> RecordDT = 12/17/2007 4:30:00 PM
> RecordDT_end =12/17/2007 4:30:00 PM
> CDbl(RecordDT)=39433.6875
> CDbl(RecordDT_End)=39433.6875
> CDbl(RecordDT-RecordDT_End)=3.63797880709171E-11
> I'm not liking computers very much right now...so...since I added 30 minutes I have this problem?
> ...and Going forward...I should never ask if 2 DateTime values are equal...I should compare using datediff and seconds?
> Thanks,
> Mark A. Matte
>> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 17:35:38 +0100
>> From: Gustav at cactus.dk
>> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Loop Until Date=Date
>> Hi Mark
>> But what about: CDbl(RecordDT - RecordDT_end)?
>> /gustav
>>>>> markamatte at hotmail.com 23-01-2008 17:31:30>>>
>> That was the first thing I did...both are showing 12/17/2007 4:30:00 PM...but the "=" fails.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark A. Matte
>>> Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:22:05 -0500
>>> From: fuller.artful at gmail.com
>>> To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
>>> Subject: Re: [AccessD] Loop Until Date=Date
>>> I would add a Debug.Print statement at the top or bottom of the loop to
>>> print out both values in Long Date format so you can see all the particulars
>>> of both values. That should reveal the difference, and why equality is
>>> failing.
>>> A.
>>> On 1/23/08, Mark A Matte wrote:
>>>> Hello All,
>>>> Thanks for the suggestions. I found last night that "DateDiff("s",
>>>> RecordDT, RecordDT_end) = 0" would work...but I just can't seem to
>>>> understand why they were not equal. I tried the suggestion below...but it
>>>> failed as well. I also tried "If RecordDT>= RecordDT_end"...this
>>>> works...but scares me because I don't know why it works and "=" does not. I
>>>> think I will just use the datediff approach...but am still curious...
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Mark A. Matte
> --
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