[AccessD] cboCallback - class part

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri May 16 11:19:12 CDT 2008


You will have to comment out or fake up a logerr function as called in 
my error handlers.

The system works just fine, it just bogs down for large data sets.

 > That shouldn't matter John, please post the code for your callback
 > function.

' Module    : clsCallBack
' Author    : jwcolby
' Date      : 5/15/2008
' Purpose   : This class implements the call back logic for multiple 
combo controls in a
' single callback.  It is used in conjunction with basCallback.
' The concept is that we will load arrays of data using the names of 
queries passed in to
' mInit.  As a combo uses a callback, the name of the combo will be 
checked in cboCallback
' and if it is different than the last time cboCallback was called then 
mInit of this class
' will be called passing in the name of the query used to fill the array.
' mInit will first attempt to load an existing array from a collection 
of arrays, keyed
' on the query name.  If the array is found in the collection we are 
done.  If it is not
' found then we will open the recordset and load the data into the 
array, and then store
' the array into the collection for the next time.
' Over time, every query ever used for a combo (that uses the callback) 
will eventually
' be cached in the collection.
' This provides a couple of advantages:
' 1) A query which directly using a query holds open a connection to the 
BE so we will
'       use fewer connections.
' 2) Loading the data out of the BE requires time as the form opens. 
Since the recordsets
'       will eventually all cache, the forms should open faster.
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Const cstrModule As String = "clsCallBack"

Private mdb As DAO.Database

Private strCtlName As String

Private intRows As Integer
Private intColumns As Integer
Private varDisplayData() As Variant
Private varRetVal As Variant
Private mblnInitialized As Boolean
Private mblnEnd As Boolean
Private mInstanceCnt As Integer 'how many combos are using this class 

Private mcolCboData As Collection   'Holds the arrays of data for 
combos, keyed on the query name

Private Sub Class_Initialize()
     Set mdb = dbDAO
     Set mcolCboData = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
     Set mdb = Nothing
     Set mcolCboData = Nothing
End Sub

' Procedure : mInit
' Author    : jwcolby
' Date      : 5/15/2008
' Purpose   : Loads the data from a query into an array and stores the 
array into a
'               collection.  The recordset only loads once, then is 
found in the
'               collection after that.
Public Function mInit(strQryName As String)
On Error GoTo Err_mInit

     'Attempt to get the query data out of the collection
     On Error Resume Next
     varDisplayData = mcolCboData(strQryName)
     'If not found then load from a recordset
     If Err <> 0 Then
On Error GoTo Err_mInit
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
         Set rst = mdb.OpenRecordset(strQryName)
         With rst
             varDisplayData = rst.GetRows(rst.RecordCount)
         End With
         'Once the data is loaded into the array, store in the 
collection, keyed on strQryName
         mcolCboData.Add varDisplayData, strQryName
     End If
     'Get the row and column count for the callback function
     intRows = UBound(varDisplayData, 2) + 1
     intColumns = UBound(varDisplayData, 1) + 1
On Error Resume Next
     If Not (rst Is Nothing) Then rst.Close: Set rst = Nothing
Exit Function
         LogErr Err.Number, Err.Description, Erl, cstrModule, ""
         Resume Exit_mInit
     Resume 0    '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING
End Function
Property Get pInitialized() As Boolean
     pInitialized = mblnInitialized
End Property
Property Get pEnd() As Boolean
     pEnd = mblnEnd
End Property
' Procedure : mCallBack
' Author    : jwcolby
' Date      : 5/15/2008
' Purpose   : This is the actual callback function used to fill the combo.
Public Function mCallBack(control As control, ID As Variant, _
                     row As Variant, column As Variant, _
                     code As Variant) As Variant
On Error GoTo Err_mCallBack

     If control.Name <> strCtlName Then
         'Debug.Print strCtlName & ": Trips: " & lngTripCnt
         strCtlName = control.Name
         mInit "q" & strCtlName
     End If
     Select Case code
         Case acLBGetFormat  'Code 7
             ' Return formatting information here.
         Case acLBGetValue   'Code 6
             ' Return data to be displayed here.
             varRetVal = varDisplayData(column, row)
         Case acLBInitialize 'Code 0
              ' Any necessary initialization code goes here.
              ' For example: determine number or rows and number
              ' of columns, save these values in the intRows and
              ' intColumns variables, and re-dimension the Static array
              ' varDisplayData().
              'Debug.Print control.Name & ": Code=" & code
             'mInit "q" & control.Name
             mInstanceCnt = mInstanceCnt + 1
             varRetVal = True
         Case acLBOpen 'Code 1
             ' Return a unique id value here.
             varRetVal = Timer
         Case 2
             'Debug.Print "code: " & code
         Case acLBGetRowCount 'Code 3
             ' Return the number of rows here.
             varRetVal = intRows
         Case acLBGetColumnCount 'Code 4
             ' Return the number of columns here.
             varRetVal = intColumns
         Case acLBGetColumnWidth 'Code 5
             ' Return the column widths here.
             varRetVal = -1
         Case acLBClose
         Case acLBEnd 'Code 9
             ' Perform any necessary clean up here.
             mInstanceCnt = mInstanceCnt - 1
             If mInstanceCnt = 0 Then
                 mblnEnd = True
                 mblnEnd = False
             End If
         Case Else
             'Debug.Print "code: " & code
     End Select
     mCallBack = varRetVal
Exit Function
         LogErr Err.Number, Err.Description, Erl, cstrModule, ""
         Resume Exit_mCallBack
     Resume 0    '.FOR TROUBLESHOOTING
End Function

John W. Colby

Drew Wutka wrote:
> That shouldn't matter John, please post the code for your callback
> function.
> I've had large listboxes which are callback based too, which work fine.
> Drew

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