[AccessD] Charts and Executives...

A.D.Tejpal adtp at airtelmail.in
Tue Oct 14 23:06:30 CDT 2008


    My sample db named Charts_AccessAndExcel, might also be of interest to you. It is available at Rogers Access Library. Link:

    This sample db (access 2000 file format) covers a combination chart showing the readings for patient's blood pressure - systolic & diastolic as twin line series, along with pulse readings in column style.

    For ready appreciation, the same set of readings is displayed in two alternative modes, one as access native graph (on form as well as report) and the other as an Excel graph, dynamically created in Excel (based upon Access data) and then displayed on access form via OLE control. 

        (a) Microsoft Excel Object library (version 9.0 or later)
        (b) Microsoft Scripting RunTime
        (c) Microsoft Graph - (Appropriate Version)
        (d) DAO 3.6

    Note - Readme file AccessChartsGuideLines.htm, accompanying the sample db provides step by step guidelines for creating good quality charts in access.

Best wishes,
A.D. Tejpal

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Mark A Matte 
  To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2008 00:10
  Subject: [AccessD] Charts and Executives...

  Hello All,

  I have just recently( and temporarilly I hope) had a report dropped in my lap that goes to the world and everyone...and the execs in that list are quite comfortable with how things look and don't want alot of change.  

  That being said...it is a powerpoint presentation...it has about 15 graphs.  Each 1 apparrently has an Excel spreadsheet embedded in it?!?!?(I don't work with power point that much)...this would explain why the file is so large.  Anyway...these graphs are all populated from a copy of the same datasource...just filtered.  Apparently the person doing this prior would go to each graph and past the new data and refresh a pivot.  This data is a year over year comparison.  I was thinking of bringing it into access...but how would I take a graph out of access and put it into excel or powerpoint?

  Any ideas?


  Mark A. Matte

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