[AccessD] Which Is Faster - DAO or db.Execute?

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Oct 29 12:30:23 CDT 2008

Hi Rocky and Jim

Yes, but don't forget to put the loop of Rocky's updates _inside_ that function.


>>> jim at therareshop.com 29-10-2008 18:13:28 >>>
yup, like this-

Function FindPeriod()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim rstbase As Recordset
Dim strTable As String

strTable = "tblPeriods"
Set dbs = WhichDB(strTable)
Set rstbase = dbs.OpenRecordset(strTable, dbOpenTable)
'find record with current period
rstbase.Index = "fldStatus"
rstbase.Seek "=", "B"
intPeriodNo = rstbase.Fields("fldPeriodno")
intMonth = rstbase.Fields("fldMonth")
intyear = rstbase.Fields("fld year")
 Set rstbase = Nothing
End Function

So you pas the name of any table in the target db and then use the standard
db.OpenRecordset on the table you want to 'Seek'?

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