[AccessD] Unicode string conversion

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Mon Apr 6 10:08:24 CDT 2009

Hi Doug

I think you need to use a recordset and the GetChunk method to retrieve the data from the binary field.

Look up the on-line help for an example of this.


>>> dbdoug at gmail.com 06-04-2009 16:44 >>>
It's a SQL varbinary field and I'm reading it from a SQL table linked to my Access db.

I tried the 'vbFromUnicode' parameter as well, but it gave me '??' as the result from the same field.

Doug Steele

On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 12:29 PM, Stuart McLachlan <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg>wrote:

> Shouldn't that be
> StrConv(myFredString,vbFromUnicode)
> On 5 Apr 2009 at 11:51, Doug Steele wrote:
> > Hello All:
> >
> > I have to read a unicode string from a SQL database into Access.  The bytes
> > are doubled up; for instance, the string for 'fred' in hex is
> > '6600720065006400'.
> >
> > I found the Access function 'StrConv', which almost does the translation,
> > but leaves a blank after each character:
> >
> > StrConv(myFredString,vbUnicode) = 'f r e d '.

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