[AccessD] SCRUM/Northwind.NET Prerelease Published

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Sat Apr 18 07:49:56 CDT 2009

Hi All,

As committed here I'm reporting our dba-VB SCRUM/Northwind.NET project status -

Northwind.NET Prerelease is temporarily published here:

http://smsconsulting.spb.ru/scrum/Northwind.NET.0.9.99.zip (~1.5 MB)

This is a prerelease version for public testing.
When testing complete v.1.- Release with all sources will be published on http://northwind.codeplex.com .
To run the application download and unzip the above archive onto your disk, and start Northwind.NET.FE.exe .
This Northwind.NET application uses user instance of MS SQL 2005/2008 Express with attached database located in \Databases subfolder.

Here is a connection string:

<add name="Northwind.NET.FE.Properties.Settings.NorthwindNETConnectionString"
connectionString="Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\Database\NorthwindNET.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True"
providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

You can also use MS SQL 2005/2008 Standard/Prof/Enterprise editions - in that case attach NorthwindNET.mdf file to your target MS SQL Server instance and change the above connection string.

Northwind.NET 0.9.99 files & folders

18.04.2009 15:44 1,522,688 Northwind.NET.FE.exe
18.04.2009 16:08 1,191 Northwind.NET.FE.exe.config
18.04.2009 15:44 7,680 Northwind.NET.Utilities.dll
18.04.2009 16:14 <DIR> Database
18.04.2009 16:14 <DIR> Logs
18.04.2009 16:15 <DIR> Pictures


18.04.2009 16:17 4,194,304 NorthwindNET.mdf
18.04.2009 16:17 1,048,576 NorthwindNET_log.ldf


18.04.2009 16:17 107 NorthWind.NET.log


28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID1.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID2.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID3.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,368 EMPID4.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID5.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,368 EMPID6.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID7.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID8.BMP
28.03.2009 21:11 41,112 EMPID9.BMP

Thank you. 


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