[AccessD] OT: SI units (was: Web site photo album)

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Tue Aug 4 16:45:49 CDT 2009

Hi Stuart

Yes please, but - eh - you are indeed yourself bringing great confusion to the table ...

k = kilo 
K = Kelvin 
m = milli 
M = mega 

Of these only K is a unit (temperature) - the others are prefixes or multipliers.
For computing you have commonly (but incorrect) K to mean 1024 while it should be just k because k in computing is 1024 and not 1000.
Some good information and explanation can be found here:



>>> stuart at lexacorp.com.pg 04-08-2009 23:05 >>>
Can we please all avoid the confusion by using correct capitalisation?

These are SI Unit multiplier prefixes and can be either upper or lower case.
k or K = kilo
m or M = mega

These are not SI Unit multipliers - they are quite different  abbreviations and capitalisation is 
b = bits
B = bytes.


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