[AccessD] Moderator Message

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin at bchacc.com
Wed Aug 5 11:15:30 CDT 2009

Back in the early days of AccessD, when I first started using Access, the
list was like going to Access school every day.  Even if I had no
application for the thread, I read it and learned a lot.

Into that mix, I got exposed to a lot of other 'stuff' - like Citrix, I'd
never heard of it.  And info about hardware mostly as related to Access but
sometimes just stuff I could use.  And stuff about Windows and updates and
dlls, etc., etc. It was, as JC notes, a 'rich' text file. 

I think it's OK to have the other lists.  But I don't want to monitor all of
them. Merging everything back would be one solution.  Given the relatively
low numbers of posts on the other lists, and the ready accessibility of the
delete key, that would probably work. (except of course, BOD and owners)

But another compromise would be to loosen up on the Access-centric
requirement for posts to AccessD.  The stuff that came through recently was,
for sure OT.  Yet I read it with interest.  And learned some stuff.  And I
think there's a gray area between Access and SQL.  

It sounds like it might be a good reason to have a BOD meeting - maybe a
shareholders?  Are we due for some corporate formalities? And talk about the
policy we want.

In the mean time if the moderators will tolerate it, perhaps AccessD
subscribers would like to weigh in on what they want for the list policy.
Perhaps put "List Policy" in the subject so we can sort those?


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of jwcolby
Sent: Wednesday, August 05, 2009 8:44 AM
To: Access Developers discussion and problem solving
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Moderator Message


It is my opinion that we have lost sight of the reasons for the other lists
to begin with.

In the beginning was AccessD, and AccessD was with us, and AccessD was us,
and it was good.

Then came a ton of traffic, and AccessD became overloaded, and OT was
created to move some of the more ... lively... traffic off.  AccessD was
good again.

As the world evolved and Access spread across the face of the world, AccessD
again became overloaded and so other lists were created to channel specific
interests, and AccessD was good again.

But as the evil Microsoft pushed its agenda and .Net spread across the
world, interest in Access began to wane.  Still protected by the demigods,
jealously pushing anything not Access related off to the other lists,
AccessD began to die.

Now AccessD is a lonely place, devoid of life that was once so plentiful.

But the wondrous (OK, nefarious) JC, bringer of great debates, wanders
through the lonely landscape wondering if things must remain this way until
the final day.  Perhaps it is time to renew the banter, the OT discussions,
to breath fresh life into a dying world.  Perhaps it is time to merge the
other lists, once so necessary, back into AccessD so that the once mighty
list can again have meaning in the lonely lives of so many developers around
the world.

The wondrous (OK, nefarious) JC would speak his humble mind and suggest that
the OT list remain untouched, available for the more ... lively... crowd,
and that perhaps all the other lists be merged back into AccessD.

John W. Colby

John Bartow wrote:
> John, it's because we've added the other lists.
> We've previously discussed Windows Home Server on the dba-tech list. I 
> have a WHS and I'd like to discuss it with someone I know has it also.
> We've previously discussed search engines on the DBA-tech and DBA-OT list.
> I am subscribed to every list Database Advisors has. I use Outlook 
> 2007 via DSL. If it can receive and sort mail into relevant folders 
> without a problem
> - I'm sure every other email client on a high speed connection can too.
> Please subscribe to those lists, as I and many others have, and you 
> will feel that old camaraderie again.
> The more the merrier!
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