jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Feb 11 15:12:32 CST 2009

I need someone to verify that they successfully imported the form using this methodology.  I did it 
myself, but that means nothing as we all know.


John W. Colby

jwcolby wrote:
> This email will document how to import a form into your database that I provide to you.  WARNING! 
> If you have modified frmDemoCtls to be the way you want it, rename the form before performing the 
> following.
> •	Cut and paste the form definition from the email with that stuff into a text file that you can 
> deal with.  As an example I used the path 
> "c:\Users\jwcolby\Documents\ClassesAndEventsDemo\frmDemoCtlsImport.txt".
> •	In your database click Insert / Module and immediately save it as basImportForm.
> •	Insert the following code into the module:
> Function ExportForm(strFrmName As String, strExportPath As String)
>      Application.SaveAsText acForm, strFrmName, strExportPath
> End Function
> Function ImportForm(strFrmName As String, strImportPath As String)
>      Application.LoadFromText acForm, strFrmName, strImportPath
> End Function
> These functions are just wrappers to VBA code that allows importing and exporting forms to / froim 
> text files.
> •	Compile and save basImportform.
> •	In the debug window cut and paste or type in the following (modifying the path to your own) and 
> then hit enter:
> ImportForm "frmDemoCtls", "c:\Users\jwcolby\Documents\ClassesAndEventsDemo\frmDemoCtlsImport.txt"
> •	Click on the form tab of the database and open frmDemoCtls.
> •	Notice that the form probably looks different than your old form.
> •	Tab through the form and notice that the text and combo controls change color as they gain / lose 
> the focus.
> I will use this method of feeding you forms in the future.  If you have any questions or something 
> does not work as planned, let me know.

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