[AccessD] have some fun

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Wed Feb 11 15:33:43 CST 2009

LOL.  I wouldn't touch a Mac forum with a ten foot pole.  For people who claim to be comfortable in 
their own skin I see a TON of defensiveness about ANYTHING that even REMOTELY even LOOKS like it 
MIGHT come CLOSE to saying anything negative about a MAC.  And a whole ton of "Windows sux" kinds of 

I don't use Macs, but only because my livelihood is created in MS products.  But I have no need to 
bad mouth them even though they suck big time.  <grin>


John W. Colby

Gustav Brock wrote:
> Hi all
> I nearly got killed. Of the "10 ways to prevent corruption" (link below) one is about Macs - or rather the people handling them.
> This has been brought to a Mac OS forum by some innocent curious person resulting in close to zero useful comments but a lot of the usual Access bashing by anonymous commenteers clearly not having any true idea of what Access (JET) is all about. I commented on this and ... you can imagine:
> http://macosx.com/forums/showthread.php?t=299674&goto=newpost 
> Luckily - as you all know - some bright Mac people do exist (they are seldom there when we need them at clients), and a couple stepped in bringing the thread to a serious level. For those of you working with Access in a mixed environment, some tips may be of value. Even better, contribute if you feel so. Just remember to tip-toe and weigh your wordings ... it is like being in the lions' cave - and none of the lions is you!
> /gustav
>>>> ssharkins at gmail.com 09-04-2008 19:29 >>>
> http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/10things/?p=331 
> ======Gustav wrote an article on Access corruption for TR -- it's making a 
> few people pull hairs and trade insults. After reading the article, be sure 
> to check out the comments -- some of these folks really have too much time 
> on their hands. :)
> Susan H. 

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