[AccessD] subform close ...solved

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Jan 21 17:47:13 CST 2009

I'd use a Static function - something like

Static Function ArgsToPass(Optional Args as String = "No Args Passed") 
as String
DIm Store as String
if Args <> "No Args Passed" then
   Store = Args
End If
ArgsToPass = Store
End Function

In your old subform's on_close:
ArgsToPass ""
ArgsToPass "Some string"

In your new subform's on_open:
If ArgsToPass() > "" then ......


On 21 Jan 2009 at 16:18, William Hindman wrote:
> ...next is figuring out how to pass openargs from subform to subform when 
> necessary.
> ...thanks to all who responded.

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