[AccessD] Eleven Tips for Moving to OpenOffice.org

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Sat Jan 24 19:13:59 CST 2009

You can move the basics to Base, but you lose VBA, so if it's anything
serious that you wrote, no go. Just out of curiosity, does anyone know if
there's a reason why a Linux vendor couldn't license VBA to work in that
environment? Maybe they just expect that if you want to go in that
direction, you'd use Mono. Just a guess, but even then, Open Office runs
under Windows too, so that ought to mean that VBA could be licensed. No?

On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 5:08 PM, Stuart McLachlan <stuart at lexacorp.com.pg>wrote:

> Should be titled Elevn Tips for Moving your Word Processer to
> OpenOffice.org.
> It really says nothing about the rest of the suite - especially Access :-(

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