[AccessD] Reorder Level

Jim Dettman jimdettman at verizon.net
Tue Nov 10 10:30:46 CST 2009

  What you want is to change the check:

   If OnHand + OnOrder <  ReorderLevel then
      ' Need to re-order
     <reorder amount> = ReorderLevel - (OnHand + OnOrder)
     <reorder amount> = 0
   End If


-----Original Message-----
From: accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:accessd-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Hollis, Virginia
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 11:17 AM
To: accessd at databaseadvisors.com
Subject: [AccessD] Reorder Level

Ok, that doesn't seem to work either. It doesn't show the negatives
(which is good). But it shows the minimum level is low when it isn't -
they have too much of this item.
I get:
Reorder Level: 14
On Hand: 496
On Order: 500
txtReorderLevel: 18
Message - "Item is 18 units below minimum level". When actually they
have 996 items when the minimum is 14. They are overstocked.
Change the control source of txtReorderAmt from
-----Original Message-----
I want to show if an item is below the reorder level. The field is
ReorderLevel. They enter the amount they need to keep in stock.  The
problem is what if they are over stocked. For Example:  Reorder Level:
14. On Hand: 496 & On Order: 500. txtReorderLevel shows "Item is -982
units below minimum level.
I created a text box DaysPastDue that shows if they are below the
reorder level. 
The control source of DaysPastDue ="Item  is " & [txtReorderAmt] & "
units " & "below minimum level".
The control source of txtReorderAmt:
If Not IsNull(Me!ReorderLevel.Value) Then 'There is a reorder level
       ReorderLevel = Me!ReorderLevel.Value 'Show the value of the
reorder level entered
    If txtReorderAmt > 0 Then 'Reorder level is below.      
    Me!ReorderLevel.ForeColor = lngRed 'reorder level is red
              Me.DaysPastDue.Visible = True 'Show past due label
        Me!ReorderLevel.ForeColor = lngBlack 'Reorder level is not low,
reorder level is black
               Me.DaysPastDue.Visible = False 'No order label.     
    End If
 End If


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