[AccessD] Reassigning form control socrces

Bob Heygood bheygood at abestsystems.com
Wed Nov 11 19:51:42 CST 2009

 Hello to the list,
My current project is to create a database to record answers for a series of
Early on I noted a repeating of questions in the 1 week, 1 month, 3
month.....set of questions. They were the exact same questions.
So I purposely named my field names with a three digit number prefix.
I can easily copy the first table of a set and just change the field
prefixes for other sets of questions.

OK, so now I do the same with the forms, just copy and rename the form.

Ahh, but what about the control sources for each of the hundreds of controls
on many forms.

I was always a Speed Ferret guy, but gave up on them for not updating.

I am waiting for my unlock code from Rick Fisher and suspect that Search and
Replace will allow me to bulk rename the control sources for each form.

But if not, is there another path????

First thought: export form to text and do my s + r and then save as a form.

Bob Heygood

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